Online auctions as an alternative to live auctions

As a world we are in a special situation, everywhere there are measures that slow down physical activities. Entrepreneurs in all kinds of industries are affected. We also see specific industries moving their business activities to online at lightning speed.
Where previously an online auction was a possibility, because of the corona crisis, an online auction is the way to bring special auction items to the attention of potential buyers.
For example, auction organization BWP (Belgium Warm Blood) has fully auctioned the auction last Saturday via the WeAuction system and Foal Auction Prinsjesdag organizes an online auction with video streaming real life from a stud farm in the Netherlands every month.
If you want to see how such an online auction works, watch the accompanying video.
If you have any questions please call or mail:
- Paul Rijk: +31 (0) 6 41 31 4652